Tag Archives: National Museum of Korea

This Week I Liked…

14 Aug

These deliciously ornamented milk jugs, spotted on the ever-creative blog, 4 Men 1 Lady, are the perfect beverage for a baby shower/birthday.  (Take note, my soon-to-be-momma friends!)

I L.O.V.E watermelon, & after spotting these watermelon pops on Garden & Gun blog, Belle Decor, I’m even more willing to fork up the $26 it costs (in Korea) to buy this sweet treat.

I’m dwarfed by the gigantic National Muesuem of Korea, the 6th largest museum in the world, and a great place to see thousands of Korean artifacts.

Styled dreads that stopped me in my tracks.  I was definitely blushing behind my camera.

Origami leather bag in a Cheongdam boutique window.  Hello, birthday present.

The sweetest flower arrangement in a tiny old medicine jar

An over-the-top wrapped orchid from G (with much help from Mshi)

The entryway to my friend’s apartment – a gorgeous combination of antique and modern.  Of course, I was drawn the the Jerusalem stone ;)!