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This Week I Liked…

11 Nov

Veterans Day

Thank you to the veterans & all those still serving in the Armed Forces.


Pepero Day!

On 11/11 (November 11th) of every year, Koreans celebrate Pepero Day by giving friends, family and lovers Pepero candy.  What is Pepero? Only my favorite Korean delight – a cookie stick dipped in chocolate.  Delicious, trust.

The reason Pepero Day is celebrated on 11/11 is because the date itself resembles 4 Pepero sticks.  This year, we celebrated SUPER Pepero Day because it was 11/11/11.  Oh the glory!

Above: Our local mini-mart Peperos-it-up with extra signage and an outside stand.

So, basically, what you should glean from this informative post is: (1) The Pepero marketing team is amazing (2) November is a good time to visit Korea if you are a chocoholic (3) Valentine’s Day can no longer be considered the most commercialized holiday.


Our Newest Family Member

Meekus, our newest family member, relaxes in the kitchen.

Welcome home.


Apple Soju

Apple flavored alcohol in an actual apple? Heavenly.

Sipped on at Chungdam Ann Restaurant

Address: 강남구 청담1동 118-19

This Week I Liked…(Things Earlier than Usual)

9 Sep

The first week of September has flown by, and so far, I’ve been able to keep my promise to myself to LIVE each day to the last drop.

In simple terms- Eat, Play, Love.

So, I’m doing an early post of “This Week I Liked…” because (a) there are already SO many things I’d like to share with you & (b) because, starting tomorrow, I’m taking a week-long blog holiday (blogiday?) for the Korean Thanksgiving vacation of Chusok.

**The true fan-ny pack!  This baby is keeping it cool, while pops is keeping it real with this ultra-chill look.  (Wish someone would carry me around in one of these!)

*A lovely definition of “home,” from the glamorous & glitzy blog, The Glitter Guide.

*I can’t stop looking at this painting (I just love me a portrait) found on the phenomenal “virtual gallery” of  The Jealous Curator.

(I’m sorry I don’t have direct links to these photos this week, my computer semi-crashed and my source information disappeared.  I’ll be better about it going forward.)

*B-zee.  The coolest & most talkative cat I know.

*Gorgeous abalone shells gifted to me by the owner of our favorite fish market restaurant.  (I’ve been trying to de-stink them ever since! Any suggestions?)

*Celebrating New York Fashion Week from Seoul (sigh) with this Lanvin ad campaign that had me smiling from ear to ear.  Watch it and tell me what you think.

Have a peaceful and relaxing Chusok vacation- to all my Korean & expat friends!

This Week I Liked

5 Sep

Saw this activewear knock-off gem on the way to a hike this week…made me giggle.

Feeling the need to reiterate & re-demonstrate that Koreans are the best-dressed hikers in the world.

Looked out of our living room window last night and noticed that my mum’s name was on a neon sign on the neighboring apartment.  Lavu Sim.

Lindt, in all its glory, in all its cocoa percentages – transported all the way from the Americas.

A well-accessorized baby on the streets of Seoul.  Please note the leg-warmers, scarf, polka dot pants and hair clip.

Sweet ceramic bird royalty, spotted and hearted at a cafe.

Guitar shop by my house.

Caprese Sandwich at Deli Heinzburg on Garosu Gil, one of my favorite sandwich spots.

This Week I Liked…Links

29 Aug

I really just HAVE to share 4 of my favorite links from this week:

(1)  If you haven’t heard of him already, you must watch the heartbreaking video of Song-bong Choi  from the show, Korea’s Got Talent.

  Click HERE to watch Choi sing & tell his story

(Fair warning, get your Kleenex ready!)

The story behind the singer:

Choi was abandoned at an orphanage at the age of three, where he lived for two years until he ran away due to abuse.  At only five years old, Choi lived alone, on the streets, selling chewing gum and energy drinks to survive.  Choi lived this nightmare for 10 years.  He didn’t even have a proper name until a woman running a food cart gave him the name, Ji-Sung.

Choi was inspired to start singing at age 12, when he first heard a classical vocalist at the nightclub where he sold gum.  In order to pursue his love of singing, Choi completed the GED equivalent for elementary school and junior high, and started attending Daejeon Arts High School, where he received classical voice training.

I was completely depressed after hearing of Choi’s gut-wrenching past, but also truly amazed by his ambition, perseverance and talent.  His voice gave me the chills and also brought me to tears.

For me, watching Choi sing puts so many things in perspective.  It reminds me to be grateful, EVERYDAY, for the life that I’m living and also COMPELS me to help those in my community who are less fortunate.

Coincidentally, for the past month, I’ve been researching volunteer opportunities in Korean orphanages.  If anyone knows of a non-denominational organization working in orphanages in Seoul, please let me know.


(2)  After hearing a story like Choi’s, I think we are all in need of good a laugh.  So, on a MUCH MUCH lighter note… or actually (ironically), a heavier note … I wanted to share with you this HILARIOUS article by Sally of the blog Unbrave Girl.

Click here to read Sally’s “Big Girl’s Guide to Surviving Asia”

Sally’s witty & entertaining stories of being a “fat” girl in Asia had me hysterical laughing.  Her insight was especially hilarious (and comforting) after my recent trip to Japan, where I found myself STUFFING my body into an ELASTIC, FLOWY skirt.  I kid you not, even the loose & effortless hippie skirt requires some sucking-in when in Tokyo.


(3)  Speaking of skirts & effortless looks, I can’t help but post this New York Magazine article about Jenna Lyons, the tres chic president of J. Crew

Click here to read about Jenna’s roll in J. Crew and get a glimpse of her personal, unique and masterful sense of style.

(If my compliments haven’t made it obvious enough – I’m a true Jenna Lyons fan)


(4) And to end this post on a fun note- I thought I’d share my song of the week.  You know, the song I’ve played over and over and over again (to the point where G starts grumbling to himself when I run to the computer to replay it), & still can’t quite get enough:

I can’t take any credit for finding this fun party song, as it was introduced to me by one of my favorite music bloggers (and dear friend), on

Check her out!

This Week I Liked…TOKYO!

21 Aug

This week I met my San Franciscan loves, J & P, in Tokyo- one of the coolest cities in the world.  We started off our Japanese adventure with Tokyo-tapas and a champagne toast- Kanpie! 乾杯!

C’est moi pretending to be lighthearted and carefree, while actually being trampled by the crowd in Shinjuku.  (Shinjuku is one of the major commercial centers in Tokyo & is also the location where Lost in Translation was filmed.)

J & P captured in a candid moment of violent romance.

J’s favorite lunch in a perfectly hidden Naka Meguro restaurant- rice bowl with ahi tuna, avocado and flavorful mayo.  I can only describe it as a happy dance for my taste-buds.

Beautifully decorated yarn store in the alleyways of Omotesando.

After a 2+ hour wait, J & I finally squeeze into a famous (& tiny) sushi bar in the Tsukiji Fish Market.  Food just doesn’t get better than this.

Enjoyed peeping into the colorful internal organs of these fake creatures.

Kirin beer, my new drink of choice.

G meets us in Tokyo and we all go out to my favorite pub district, Golden Gai (discovered during our last visit with E & J!  OUR BAR!).

I have many more stories from my trip to Japan, so prepare yourself for Tokyo Part II tomorrow!

This Week I Liked…

14 Aug

These deliciously ornamented milk jugs, spotted on the ever-creative blog, 4 Men 1 Lady, are the perfect beverage for a baby shower/birthday.  (Take note, my soon-to-be-momma friends!)

I L.O.V.E watermelon, & after spotting these watermelon pops on Garden & Gun blog, Belle Decor, I’m even more willing to fork up the $26 it costs (in Korea) to buy this sweet treat.

I’m dwarfed by the gigantic National Muesuem of Korea, the 6th largest museum in the world, and a great place to see thousands of Korean artifacts.

Styled dreads that stopped me in my tracks.  I was definitely blushing behind my camera.

Origami leather bag in a Cheongdam boutique window.  Hello, birthday present.

The sweetest flower arrangement in a tiny old medicine jar

An over-the-top wrapped orchid from G (with much help from Mshi)

The entryway to my friend’s apartment – a gorgeous combination of antique and modern.  Of course, I was drawn the the Jerusalem stone ;)!