Tag Archives: Love

A Boy Becomes a Man – G Loses His Thirginity

12 Mar

This weekend we celebrated G’s 30th…

Which was quite a special occasion because the kid man intensely dislikes making a big deal of his birthday.   (Well, he wasn’t exactly thrilled about celebrating this year either, but I started wearing him down in January so that he would give up the fight come March.)


Pre-birthday – a foundation for the celebration:

In order not to overwhelm the fragile birthday boy, I started things off nice & casual the night before he turned 30, by making his favorite San Francisco meal-

meatball subs a la Marina Submarine, with a final course of G’s dearly beloved…



El Birthday Itself – 30 is for romancing

I turned the love-meter up a notch for the actual eve of G’s birthday, enchanting him with some appetizers and wine at Fifty Cafe (located near Dosan park)…

followed by a perfect (perfect perfect) dinner at The Kitchen.

We dined slowly and thoroughly on traditional Italian soup, tomato and eggplant bruschetta, sautéed clams with cherry tomatoes, THE BEST calabreze pizza I have ever had in my life, and linguine alla pescatore.

 I wouldn’t have changed a thing except for the fact that they wouldn’t allow flash photography (hence the fuzzy pics).

We had such a good time at The Kitchen that we stayed until it closed- and then it was off to the bars!  (Where I got as fuzzy as my pictures.)


30 + a day – Let’s dance old man!

My plan had worked- two days of calm and delicious celebrations had lead G to start enjoying his birthday- and finally we were ready to really PARTY!

The night started with a little bit of this (thanks to Maama H)…

Followed by a lot of that…

Interspersed with a Zoolander this…

And ending with our amazing Seoulsome friends at the bars- thank you all for coming out!

I think the birthday Grinch is finally cured!

Where was I?

8 Feb

Some people have their feet on the ground,

but some (ME!) have their head buried in it…

Shame on me for letting 2 months fly by without writing a single post- I owe you an explanation.  But instead of conjuring up a mediocre excuse, let me just give you a quick update.

Since I last blogged, a lot of things have happened:

(1) I was offered a dream job in Korea at a company that shall remain nameless, but rhymes with…

(2) I was unable to accept mentioned dream job because the Fashion Minister of Korea (I kid you not) denied me a work visa.

(3) This unpleasant situation left me feeling generally upset with everything.  Cue video of my daily discontent & embittered rant:

(4)  During my blue period, I promised myself not to blog until I had a better attitude – because no one needs to read a “woe is me” post (much less 100 of them).  <–this is my excuse!

(5) To get out of my funk, I booked a ticket home (1st time in 1 year!).  I knew that coming back (back) to SF would refuel and re-energize my spirit.

(6)  I spent a perfect month with my family (-E) and friends and returned to Seoul 100% myself.

I’m back with a vengeance.

Now, where were we???



Ostrich Photo found on Google Images HERE

LOVE trailer found on the fabulous blog, Fashionista

Mugato clip is from one of the best movies of all time, Zoolander

Cambodia – A Backward Glance at a Terrible Past

26 Sep


I’ve finally defeated the Kuala Lumpur cold that had me out for the count all of last week (ugh!) and now I’m ready to Cambodify you.


Before sharing all the detailed glories and delights of our Cambodian adventures, I feel compelled to write a short post about all that I’ve learned about Cambodia’s history during our trip – and it’s beyond depressing.  Most of you probably know about this country’s terrible past under the control of the Khmer Rouge, but I, personally, didn’t know enough, and visiting Cambodia opened my eyes to a sadness and a hopefulness that I had never experienced before.  I want to make sure to convey these feelings to you.

So, let me just start off by saying that the most important feeling I have about Cambodia is LOVE.  The country just bursts with beauty – the children…

the landscape…

and the faith…

they simply left me breathless.

But, just as beautiful as Cambodia is, it is also extremely hard-  the poverty is almost unbearable, staring you straight in the face as a reminder of the country’s dark history.

There is no way to travel through Cambodia without feeling and seeing the vestiges of its bloody past.  The Cambodian genocide still sits on the surface of so many daily interactions, making the country feel raw, and yet, in some twisted way, even more remarkable for all it has overcome.


The following is a very short overview of a tragic history.  This summary is by no means comprehensive (and it does NOT do Cambodia’s history justice), but I hope it reminds you/makes you think about/drives you to learn more about a nation that is still recovering from one of the world’s bloodiest revolutions.

In 1970, the conflict in Vietnam extended over to Cambodia, and the country broke out in a violent civil war.  Cambodia was split into two, with the North Vietnamese & their Cambodian allies, the Khmer Rouge, controlling the countryside, and the Republican Government of Lon Nol controlling most of the towns.

On April 17, 1975 the Khmer Rouge, led by Pol Pot, took over Phnom Penh and seized power over Cambodia.   The Khmer Rouge’s goal was to transform Cambodia into an agrarian-based communist society, and they, therefore, forced the majority of the country into agricultural slavery.

“Within days of the Khmer Rouge coming to power, the entire population of the capital, including the sick, elderly and infirm, was forced to march out to the countryside [to undertake agricultural work].  Disobedience of any sort often brought immediate execution.  The advent of the Khmer Rouge rule was proclaimed Year Zero.  Currency was abolished and postal services were halted.  The country was cut off from the outside of the world” (Lonely Planet Vietnam, Cambodia Laos & the Greater Mekong, page 46).

The Khmer Rough deprived Cambodians of their basic rights.  They abolished normal schooling, private property, religious practices, and traditional Cambodian (Khmer) culture.  Even family relationships were heavily controlled, “People were forbidden to show even the slightest affection, humor or pity. The Khmer Rouge asked all Cambodians to believe, obey and respect only [the Khmer Rouge’s political party], which was to be everyone’s mother and father.” (Cambodia Tribunal)

During the next four years, thousands of Cambodians were executed by the Khmer Rouge, including most of the country’s educated people (doctors, lawyers, teachers, ANYONE with an education) because they were seen as a threat to the new communist regime.  Thousands more died of famine or disease as they slaved in the rice fields or the Khmer Rouge work camps.  Overall, it is estimated that two million Cambodians died between 1975 and 1979.

Two million people died.  And this happened only 36 years ago.  It’s almost too crazy to grasp.

In December of 1978, Vietnamese troops invaded Cambodia after repeated attacks by the Khmer Rouge on Vietnamese border villages.  They were successful in capturing Phnom Penh and driving the Khmer Rouge from power.

Today, Cambodia is still struggling to overcome its years of conflict, but is on the road to recovery.  If you are interested in learning more about Cambodia in the 1970s, I’d highly recommend the tough (true) story of Loung Ung, First They Killed My Father and the movie, The Killing Feilds.  If you feel compelled to help from across the sea, use those extra $20 in your wallet to donate through Kiva.org directly to a Cambodian in need.

And if you don’t want to do anything after reading this post, I’m still happy you read this far.

Free Hugs

1 Sep

Feeling a tiny tiny bit down today, for no particular reason

(probably because I am indoors catching up on loads of work, while the sun is shining brightly outside),

so I watched a video that always cheers me up.

It’s an oldie, but a goody.

Hope it makes you smile & love.

(I am secretly tempted to try this with G in Seoul – let’s see if I can convince him to do it.)

This Week I Liked…

14 Aug

These deliciously ornamented milk jugs, spotted on the ever-creative blog, 4 Men 1 Lady, are the perfect beverage for a baby shower/birthday.  (Take note, my soon-to-be-momma friends!)

I L.O.V.E watermelon, & after spotting these watermelon pops on Garden & Gun blog, Belle Decor, I’m even more willing to fork up the $26 it costs (in Korea) to buy this sweet treat.

I’m dwarfed by the gigantic National Muesuem of Korea, the 6th largest museum in the world, and a great place to see thousands of Korean artifacts.

Styled dreads that stopped me in my tracks.  I was definitely blushing behind my camera.

Origami leather bag in a Cheongdam boutique window.  Hello, birthday present.

The sweetest flower arrangement in a tiny old medicine jar

An over-the-top wrapped orchid from G (with much help from Mshi)

The entryway to my friend’s apartment – a gorgeous combination of antique and modern.  Of course, I was drawn the the Jerusalem stone ;)!


12 Aug

We fell in…

3 years ago today,

on an impromptu trip to Portugal…

with our favorite girls.

(Thanks for the kick in the butt, Lu & Mama Elena!)


And ever since “Lisbonesa,”

we’ve been sharing adventures…

beautiful moments…

& most importantly,

all of our food.

(The good, the bad, and in this case – the live octopus)


During these 3 years, he’s made me laugh every single day…

and it’s quite obvious that I’ve done the same for him…

(If these photos could speak they would say, “Are you done yet?”)

And as much as this blog-post will embarrass him…

I thought it would be the perfect way to say-


(now, come home)

Summer Love

17 Jul

Did  you hear?  Two of the loveliest people in the world are getting married!

I woke up this morning to a sliver of sunlight poking through the ever-cloudy sky, and thought to myself, “This is going to be a great day.”  Little did I know how unbelievably great it was going to be…

After eating a pack of saltines to calm my stomach, which was still burning from last night’s tequila (Why did anyone think that was a good idea?!), I sat down at my computer to read the news (and by news, I mean facebook).  A few minutes into news-feeding myself, I get a call from P & J on Skype video, which I answer quite casually, paying no heed to the fact that I was still in (ugly) PJs with saltine crumbs all over & my hair looked like it had just taken a whirl in the dryer on a roller coaster in outer-space (just a little visual for you).  It’s just P & J, that’s how we roll.

WELL, P & J were definitely not in PJs, in fact, they had two champagne glasses and HUGE smiles on their faces when they told me that they were engaged!!! And then, I lost it.  Totally lost it.  Did a Tasmanian devil dance (you know, when you run around in a circle in super-sonic speed), jumped around the apartment, and then sat back down and cried.  That’s how I show my love on Skype.  And I love.

Speaking of love, guess who was the little matchmaking yenta that introduced P to J?  G, of course!  The boy loves a good shidduch. Doesn’t he get some points for that?

Happy Engagement Day!